Dream A Little Dream


What’s your word for this year? My good friend and authenticity coach, Judy Micale, asked me this thought provoking question in December last year while I was doing her hair. This is why I love Judy. She always encourages me to think bigger. My word was Dream...As I thought about where I was at the time I had so many goals I wanted to accomplish.

I wanted to launch a blog someday

I wanted to have a private space to do hair and makeup someday

I wanted to make $100k all by myself someday

I wanted to compete in a Bikini competition someday

 Spoiler alert - Someday came and went. My dreams came true because I stopped dreaming and I started doing...At some point, these were all dreams that seemed so far away. Things that I would do when I had the time, the discipline, the capacity. We all have them. But what would happen if we started?

Here’s how it happened for me.

I used to rent a room at Studio 5 Salon, two Saturday’s a month for $50 a day. It was a big commitment for me, so I thought, to add that overhead. I didn’t have a big clientele and some months, I would only need it one day a month. I kept all my stuff in rubbermaid bins that I unpacked each morning and take with me each night. It was very impermanent. But the stylist who rented the studio next to me was leaving and I started to wonder,  what if?Around the same time, my now coach, Katie Kopfle posted on Instagram about doing a 6 week until Christmas challenge. I was only a loyal follower of hers who dreamt of looking like her one day. So, I signed up for it and decided I would get a head start on my New Year’s Resolutions. After about a month of sending her my check in pictures, I felt silly with my posing. The girls I follow on Instagram always look like they know how to pose and I felt like an awkward Superman. So I set up a Facetime call to learn how to pose, just for the sake of my check in photos. Katie taught me front post and a fire was lit. I loved the way I looked and felt and I thought, someday I’m going to do this on a stage…One Saturday in December 2018, I was booked solid at the salon and after seeing the room sit empty for a month, I wondered: what it would cost to have it full time? I wasn’t ready to commit but I thought if I knew how much it would be, I could plan for someday. It turned out the room was almost $1200 a month, it broke my heart. I could never afford that (lies we tell ourselves). The owner of Studio 5, Jordana, must’ve seen the sadness in my eyes and suggested I consider the room I was already in. It was her room, but she was flexible and could move. It was smaller and much more affordable. I said I’d think about it...maybe one day.A few weeks went by, Jordana had to show the room. I have a job as a catering director for a healthy restaurant. I get paid well, I love the brand and product, I felt like maybe I should just focus on that...but I couldn’t stop thinking about when is it my turn?About 2 years ago, I had signed up for a competition that was cancelled 4 days before I went on stage. I looked for other shows and signed up for email alerts on NPC News Online. I received an email about Europa Games in Orlando. The event was about 5 months away. I thought what if? Finally one morning I reminded myself what my grandfather used to tell me: I can do anything I put my mind to. I was gonna do it. Right? I can do this. Can’t I? I decided to just go for it.The beginning of January always seems to ignite hope in us. New Year, New ME. This is Going To BE MY YEAR (and other things we tell ourselves). But nothing happens until we take ACTION.I called Jordana and asked if the room was still available. It was but she had several prospect and I had to make a decision. I told her I wanted it. As we we went through the contract and costs, I started to panic. I had to get inventory, and furniture and business cards and...and...and... I only had about 8 reoccurring clients. It wasn't enough, but I knew I could do this. I felt empowered as I signed and dated my lease. The room was mine.  

When Judy asked me what my word was in December, I had no idea I would be here at the end of April.

In December, I told Katie that I wanted to do Europa.

In January, I told Jordana I wanted to rent the room.

In February, I started designing my blog.

In March, I brought in $10k between selling catering and Tally Beauty Girl.

 This was a lot on my plate at the same time. There were days I would go to bed wondering how am I going to do it all? But if you focus on doing one right thing at a time, it’s amazing what you can accomplish, and do well. Who would have thought in 5 short months, my dreams could come true? I have already achieved everything I hoped to in 2019 in less than 5 months. So it’s time to dream again… It’s time to do...It’s time to consider:

what’s next?

If you’re ready to dream email Judy at jmicalecoach@gmail.com. Everything you want just takes one small step at a time.


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