My First NPC Bikini Competition


When I turned 30, I became very interested in the fitness competitor world. I didn’t think I had the time, discipline and grit to do what it takes to step on a stage, but oh did I love their figures! About two years ago, after some convincing from a girlfriend, I decided maybe I could. I found a show close by, trained and dieted harder than I ever have and completely transformed by body. Four days before, the show was cancelled. I was heartbroken. God always knows what He’s doing. In hindsight, I wasn’t ready and my prep was extremely unhealthy. Twenty weeks ago, after a year long improvement season, I decided maybe I should just go for it! I hired IFBB Pro, Katie Kopfle, and together we’ve molded me into a novice Bikini Competitor. I have loved this journey and I have hated some of it. Mostly hated it when I smell bread from Panera. HAHA! But the sacrifice is always worth the struggle and I am just a week away from stepping on the stage at the Europa Games in Orlando, FL.My prep has changed me in ways I never expected. I get up every day at 4:30 am and go to the gym for 3 hours. I have fasted cardio, meal 1, training and my post cardio. Some days, I’m really tired and I have to put my head down and take it one rep at a time. Days like that, Jocko Willink and Erik Thomas get me through. Most days, I love looking back at myself in the mirror, proud of the fact that I’ve stuck to something I set out to do.I love my diet and the structure it brings. My savior has been Justin’s Vanilla Almond Butter! It’s sweet and satisfying and Katie has worked it into my meal plan. Learning to drink my egg whites was never something I thought I’d do but it doesn’t taste that bad and channels my inner Rocky Balboa. Cue Eye of The Tiger!There is a mental toughness that is required to get up every day, whether I’m tired, stressed, or busy running my business(es). When I was younger, my emotions definitely ruled me. But the stage doesn’t care about my feelings haha. And I’ve learned that though valid, I’m not going to let my feelings deter me from my goals. This has probably been the biggest win of this entire process.Of course, there are days that I need to give my body a rest. There are weeks I have to take 2 and occasionally 3 rest days. But even still, my body responded well and I still saw progress. I am so excited to step on the stage next weekend and despite the results, I know that I am already a champion.Want to see how I do? Follow me @tallybeautygirl to watch what happens LIVE!


2019 Europa Games Orlando - PT.1


My Unexpected Entrepreneur Story