Welcome to tallybeautygirl


Welcome to the brand new tallybeautygirl.com! This blog has been a long time coming for me. I have blogged before under a brand called beautyfinish, that I started in 2009 when I was traveling as a hairdresser. I always planned to relaunch my blog but life took me on a journey I didn’t expect (isn’t that how it goes?!) and here I am nearly 10 years later, living my dream.So much of my life has changed since I first started blogging! I moved from Miami to LA to Amsterdam, back to Miami and settled down in Tallahassee, where I met my husband. We’ve been married for nearly 4 years and the stability has been good for me. I love Tallahassee and I’ve spent a lot of time connecting with the community of amazing people. At Tally Beauty Girl, you’ll not only find beauty, fitness and lifestyle tips & tricks, but I’ll also be uncovering the best parts of North Florida and South Georgia.After a 5 year hiatus from doing anything beauty related, I am so excited to bring a new definition to what it means to be beautiful. This blog is meant to inspire women of all ages to feel refreshed in the skin they’re in as well as take a good look on the inside and do the work that will make us better wives, mothers, friends and servants of Christ.I have a lot of great stuff coming. You’ll want to bookmark this page and subscribe to my email list to stay in the loop of all that is coming. Want to see something specific? Email me with your questions or leave a comment below! All images are by Trickey Photography


My Unexpected Entrepreneur Story