Introducing PHYTO


When I was in Miami, I discovered a brand like no other: Phyto Paris. It has always been interesting to me to discover how food and nutrition influence things like our hair, skin and mood, so  when I was introduced to a botanical line that came with a glossary of ingredients and how they affected your hair and scalp, I was in nerd heaven.Over the years, I stepped away from the hair industry to flex my entrepreneurial muscle. Doing hair became a side project and using products that were easy to get access to was my priority. Now that I'm doing hair again full time, using the products that are the best for my clients are in the forefront of my mind. When I discovered that Tallahassee had a PHYTO distributer, I was overjoyed.Phyto Paris was born in France in 1965 by Patrick Ales. He was keenly aware of how harsh chemicals and shampoos were taking a toll on hairdresser's hands and subsequently, his clients' hair & scalp.  So he combined his two passions: Plants & Hair. His motto is "Primum, Non Nocere" (first, do no harm). What I love about this brand is the scientific approach it takes to not only the hair but the scalp. I've always said that your hair is like a garden and for it to grow healthy, you've got to start with the soil.

"There is no such thing as bad hair, only poorly treated hair." 

I am so excited to be offering this brand to my clients. I will have every tool from hair vitamins, treatments, thinning solutions, hydrating and strengthening, sun protection and more. I cannot wait to teach you how balancing and treating your scalp will over come hair challenges you thought never imagined possible. 


2019: A Year in Review


My Top 5 Self Tanners