Beauty & Grace


The first time I met Krysta was at Red Eye coffee and she had the coolest pants. She told me about this awesome little boutique she got them at called Sparkle, where everything was $30 or less. Queue to 5 years later, Krysta had reached out to me about coming to work in her salon. Actually the truth is, I messaged her because I wanted to do her hair not realizing she was a hairdresser and she then said I should come take a look at her salon. I had just signed at Studio 5 Hair Salon and wanted to keep my lease commitment. I was curious though so I met with her anyway. Listening to her story was not only inspirational but planted seeds that maybe this was the environment I've been searching for my whole life.After having an amazing experience working with the girls at Salon 6, Krysta McLaughlin started to dream about the idea of owning her own place. She wanted to recreate the homey environment where everyone knew each other's clients names, and the stylists enjoyed being with each other. She was friends with Audrey Kent, who owned a Sucre Beauty Bar. She reached out to brainstorm and ended up buying the salon from Audrey 6 weeks later. Way to manifest your dreams! I like it."I really wanted to be in Midtown because it was young and hip, but then I realized that Killearn was so much more convenient for my clients and I fell in love with the location," she said. After running Sucre for a short time, she felt like the name didn't mirror her vision. She implemented changes slowly, applying feedback she received from clients and stylists. The most important change she made was the name."I picked the Beauty and Grace because having grace is really important in my life. Having grace for your coworkers and more so for your clients is something that I am really passionate about," Krysta says.Anyone who knows me, knows she's speaking my love language! When I went to the space in March and listened to Krysta's heart, I knew this is where I wanted to end up. As time went on, I couldn't stop thinking about the vintage vibes and open space that could encompass my vision of hosting events and creating community.Finally, God's timing brought me here. I was nervous to move, knowing that I have had so many negative experiences in the salon world. As I drove to Beauty and Grace, with my tools in my car, I felt something say "when you find the right one, you'll understand why it didn't work anywhere else."I've only been here a month but late night talks with Krysta has revealed to me that our hearts are aligned in wanting to take care of moms and grandmoms who rarely have time to get pampered and breathing life to this sweet little corner of Tallahassee. We look forward to showing you your beauty and showering you with grace!To book your appointment visit 


How To Wash Your Hair


Taking Care of Your Color