Absolute Balayage


Real Talk: You know how we all go on Instagram and get inspired to clean your house, go to the gym, wash your hair ha! Well, hairdressers do it when it comes to our work. I have my go to(s). Michelle Zeller Porumb's work is one that I've pinned for years and finally discovered the master behind the mane. Lately, I've been obsessed with The Business of Balayage's account. They feature other hairdresser that are painting breath-taking hair as well and tips, tricks and beloved formulas. Imagine my delight when they posted a class right here in Florida!!! Now consider my heartbreak when I saw the pricetag...yeah.God made moms to make daughters dreams come true. My mom called me a week before the class and told me to book it, she wants me to do whatever it takes to invest in my self. She's watched me over the years have fall in and out of love with the industry but always come back to the thing that calms my soul. So I packed my weekender and off to grandma's house I went. Oh yeah, it was in Riverview, FL which meant I got a girls weekend with my precious nana! #winwin!!Pulling into Salon Esthetica was like showing up on the first day of school. Will I make friends? Will I learn? Will I like my teachers? Yes...yes... YES!!!! This is the first time I've taken a class as an independent stylist and I can tell you, this was a great class. I learn by writing theory and then doing and that is exactly how this class was structured. It was perfect. There are so many different ways to balayage... wait... lets back this up a second. Some of you might not know what IS balayage?

ba·lay·age /ˌbalāˈyäZH/ noun
  1. a technique for highlighting hair in which the dye is painted on in such a way as to create a graduated, natural-looking effect.

But there is so much more. There's faux-balayage which is done with foil if you want to go lighter. Most balayage is processed in open air which is what gives it's natural effect but if you want to really brighten, you gotta have that added incubation with foil. You can balayage or you can hair paint, which is better for people who are used to traditional highlighting but want a softer look. You can use advanced techniques such as a root shadow for a more natural grow out or adding signature pieces for dimension. I was in hairdresser paradise. And this was only the first day!  Day two focused on the creative ways we can use balayage and placement to really make your color *POP*.

I received a special certification, made new friends, and got confirmation that I am definitely heading in the right direction. Are you interested in a sun kissed look for summer? Email me at hello@tallybeautygirl.com to book your appointment and don't forget to follow my adventures on Instagram @tallybeautygirl


Haircolor = Algebra


My Image by Lisa