2019 Europa Games Orlando - PT.2


Day 2 of Europa Games Orlando 20196:00amOn Sunday morning I woke up excited, not just for finals, but for PANCAKES! My coach said I didn’t have to check in and I could go straight away to have breakfast with my family. My mom and husband came with me to Europa Games and I had to sit out while they ate at all the best places!8:45amThe schedule for Sunday ran the same as Saturday and I was back to Pro Tan promptly at 8:45am. Only I didn’t shower. I didn’t know I was supposed to. I ran back to my room and rinsed until the water ran clear. (I also secretly washed my feet! They were BLACK!)I made it back with plenty of time to do my tan, my makeup and a few other girls' makeup. It meant so much to me that they trusted me and I was so involved that at 2pm when they called Bikini to the stage, I hadn’t even gotten dressed in my suit yet!2:00pmThe Stage Manager lined us up and called out 3 numbers, none of which were mine. He sent those girls to the back and told the rest of us that we didn’t win. We were supposed to walk to center stage, get our photos and go. Honestly, I was a little disappointed but it was a very stacked competition and I didn’t come to get a trophy. I reminded myself this as I walked my final moments at the show. I texted my mom, “this is just for pictures, I didn’t win.”I competed in four classes: True Novice, Novice, Masters and Open (Overall). I had to line up again and again to get my photos for each division. When I lined up the last time for Open, he pulled 5 of us aside and said “You guys are getting trophies so walk straight to the side.”Wait, what?!              I couldn’t believe it! I’ve never won a trophy in my life! I was over the moon!!! Turns out I placed 5th in Open, out of 20 or so girls! The girls I shared the stage with were each so beautiful and I was thankful that I was able to place with them.This was an amazing experience for me, from my prep to the day of my show. I learned so much and this is the first time I’ve accomplished a really big goal. The kind that makes you scared when you sign up for it. The feeling of pride cannot be captured in photos and today, I feel like I can do anything. I truly feel like Wonder Woman!

Did you miss part 1? Read it here!


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2019 Europa Games Orlando - PT.1