Hey! I’m
Kristine Marie

Lover of all things beauty, health and growth, I’m a pro at making things happen. I believe everyone is just a few small steps away from designing a life they love.


Design a life you love.

Whether it’s the right beauty aesthetic for you, developing healthy habits, or becoming more intentional, your life can look like anything you want it to.



“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” Coco Chanel

As a beauty anylist, it is my passion to bring out the most beautiful version of you. Finding the right colors and proportion for your hair, makeup, and wardrobe can give you confidence every day. Your image is not an expense, it’s an investment. 


“A healthy outside starts from the inside”. Robert Urich

Treating your body like you love it is foundational in not only your outside appearance but your soul. Eating well, building strength, finding sobriety, and taking time with God are the cornerstones of a healthy life. When you feel good on the inside we are kinder people in the world, creating space for others to have their own healing journey. 


“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” Jim Rohn

Time management, creating intentional routines and goal chasing direct us to rise and live a life beyond our wildest dreams. One tiny victory at a time. All it takes is one decision to make a difference, to break habits that are not serving you and to walk toward your destiny.